
Artist Presentation----- Guangjian Huang

 In this drawing, he used color contrast to make this character stand out. Most part of the drawing is low saturation colors. But he used a highly saturated red to create a "glow effect" around the character, which makes this great drawing.
   This drawing he used a worm and cold contrast. The left part of the drawing is mainly cold color. The right part of the drawing used warm color instead. This contrast really adds some character to the two castles.
   In this drawing, he used only four different colors but with different tints and saturation. The blue on the peacock's head is highly saturated. The red on the flower and the green in some of the water plants are also highly saturated. The background used more "white" green, which reads as if it is far away from the peacocks.

   In this drawing, he mainly used cold color with a tiny bit of violet as highlights. This use of color is perfectly suited for a future technology scene like this.
  This drawing used mainly neutral color. He adds some highly saturated yellow as highlights. Also, he used some red for the baby and violet for the coffin. I really like the concept of this drawing. The left side is a young woman holding a baby. And the right side is an old lady holding a coffin. The way he puts a newborn and coffin together is really strong and interesting. 

